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Up | ICAOR | Past Events ORNRMor in natural resources management
29-31 July
2014 The ORNRM workshop will take place in conjunction with the International Conference on Applied Operational Research (ICAOR). We invite you to join your colleagues for this international forum. Sharing of ideas, knowledge and experience is the primary goal of the workshop. The meeting would be ideal for young researchers to present their work, even at a preliminary stage, for constructive discussion and feedback. The workshop covers applied operational research techniques in natural resources management with particular emphasis on real-world applications, including, but not limited to:
Paper SubmissionResearchers wishing to contribute to the conference are invited to submit manuscripts of not more than 6 pages either as full papers or extended abstracts. All submissions will be reviewed by at least two referees, and successful papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings published by LNMS. Please use ICAOR-template when preparing your manuscript for submission but we will then correctly format all accepted papers for publication. Papers should be submitted in MS Word format online through
the following link: Submission Deadline: 30-Mar-2014 Special IssuesThe authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to submit extended versions of their papers for consideration to post-conference special issues of the Journal of Applied Operational Research (JAOR). Authors should submit their manuscripts in MS Word via email to jaor@tadbir.ca. By submitting a manuscript you certify that the contribution is original work and no part of the material breaches any right of others. Authors are advised to ensure that they have conformed to the JAOR script requirements. All articles will be peer reviewed by at least two anonymous referees. Post-conference special issues submission deadline: 15-Sep-2014 Important Dates15-Sep-2013 - Submission opens 30-Mar-2014 - Paper submission deadline 30-Apr-2014 - Notification of decisions 15-May-2014 - Registration deadline 30-May-2014 - Camera-ready deadline 29-Jul-2014 - Conference starts ChairsPatrick Hirsch, University of Natural Resources _ Life Sciences, Austria Contacts |
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